Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog Carnival 09.25.09 - Show Yourself

Oh the horror! To decide whether to show my face or show my crafting space. Yikes! As I don't want to go around the house taking pix of the various piles of crafting junk currently occupying all my spaces, I'm going with option #1. Thanks to Memories For Life for the example!

I am...
a daughter, a sister, a cousin, an aunt, a niece, a wife
mommy to some very spoiled cats
married to my high-school sweetheart, Eric
a self-employed jewelry designer and Etsian
a writer
addicted to the internet, television, food, and beads
a homebody who longs to wander
creative yet lead a boring life
shy and quiet but very opinionated
depressed but happy
a pessimist with hope
strong on the outside but weak on the inside
Obsessive/Compulsive except when it comes to cleaning
trying to become a better photographer
crazy-in-love with film


Ani said...

Lol, I had exactly the same reaction to the Carnival choices, especially since I'd already shown my "official" work space. I showed my face instead--much, much, much younger than now!

BeadedTail said...

I felt the same way! I'm glad you posted your photo because it's good to see you! You and I have a lot in common starting with the mommy to cats and married to my high school sweetheart (for 21 years now!). I enjoyed your post very much!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Nice to meet you.. I think most of you are me too.. hahahha..

Anonymous said...

Great job!

storybeader said...

you sound very much like me. So glad you will be a featured artisan on my blog - we'll all get to know you better! {:-Deb

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. You write well.

I too think we have commonalities, and are also Mommies to furbabies...we have 6 felines, 1 canine

Memories for Life said...

Great post :) I loved learning more about you :)

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Nice to "meet" you!

Splendid Little Stars said...

and you sound like a very lovely person, a lot like all of us crafty sorts! I love your first statement: "Oh the horror!" my reaction, exactly. I finally settled on photos of a few "neat" areas of my so-called "studio."

Oh, and that Ani (see comments), she showed her younger self! LOL!
PS I have 2 kitties.